Bad Day?

 Bad Day?

Credits πŸ’Ž


―――――――――― OUTFIT ――――――――――

➤ Outfit: *Vanilla Bae* Giulina Dress @ Uber

――――――――― ACCESSORY ―――――――――

➤ Heels: [BREATHE]-Tatsuko Heels @ Uber

➤ Beret: cheezu. daily wool beret

➤ Yoyo: Lavish / YOYO Heart / FATPACK

➤ Glitter Pills: LEMME...Lonely hearts club @ EQUAL 10

➤ Necklace: e.marie // Daphne Necklace - Golds @ Uber

―――――――――― HAIR ――――――――――
➤ Hair: DOUX - Vanilla hairstyle [BASIC PACK] @ Uber

――――――――― BODY / HEAD ―――――――――

➤ Body: Legacy Perky

➤ Head: LeLUTKA Fleur Head 2.5


Thanks to all my Follower and my great Sponsors ❤
