

Credits πŸ’Ž


―――――――――― OUTFIT ――――――――――

➤ Outfit: Seniha. Ivet Hoodie Dress @ ACCES

➤ Stockings: Spoiled - Lollyta Heart Stockings Flat & High

―――――――――― HAIR ――――――――――
➤ Hair: tram K0310 hair / HUD-A @ Uber

――――――――― ACCESSORY ―――――――――

➤ Milk Carton: Iso Darling - Strawberry Milk Carton @ Kawaii Sundays 65L for Sunday of 03/28/2021, will go to 199L after that

➤ Head bend: toksik - Usagi Headband (Type A)

➤ Tears: CURELESS [+] Collyrium Tears / FATPACK (v.1)

――――――――― BODY / HEAD ―――――――――

➤ Body: Legacy Perky

➤ Head: LeLUTKA Fleur Head 2.5

➤ Eyebrows: [Simple Bloom] *LeL_Evolution* LivSpring LowTail

―――――――――― MEKUP ――――――――――

➤ Lips: VELOUR: "Maysa" HD Lips -

―――――――――― DECO ――――――――――

➤ Astralia: 
Astralia - Nostalgic K-pop 

➤ Maru Kado: 
02_{-Maru Kado-} Cat2_sleep (1Li) LI:1
07_{-Maru Kado-} Cat2_stand (1Li) LI:1

➤ YOKAI: @ Kustom9
1.YOKAI - Yummy Pillows  - Salmon RARE LI:3
11.YOKAI - Yummy Pillows  - Omelette LI:3
13.YOKAI - Yummy Pillows  - Lime LI:3
3.YOKAI - Yummy Pillows  - Avocado LI:3
4.YOKAI - Yummy Pillows  - Biscuit (choco) LI:3

➤ Foxwood:
Foxwood - Hedgehoggie - Stand LI:1 @ Uber

LEMME...Cute monster LI:1
LEMME...My secrets // Safe box // Opened LI:2
LEMME...hello girl // Gold LI:5

➤ dust bunny: 
dust bunny . cheese puffs . crunchy . cheddar . holdable LI:1
dust bunny . hanging plants . ivy planter LI:3
dust bunny . kitty cocoa . pink LI:1

➤ {vespertine}: 
{vespertine} - planty love / hoya hearts LI:1
{vespertine} - planty love / lucky bamboo LI:1


Thanks to all my Follower and my great Sponsors ❤
