Tonight You Will Be The Most Beautiful

 Tonight You Will Be The Most Beautiful

Credits πŸ’Ž


―――――――――― OUTFIT ――――――――――

➤ Outfit: Cynful Amour Babydoll

――――――――――― HAIR ――――――――――
➤ Hair: VCO HAIR - Aurora

――――――――― ACCESSORY ―――――――――

➤ Heels: [BREATHE]-Miroki Heels

➤ Ring: (Yummy) Spring Butterfly Ring Collection @ Collavor88

――――――――― BODY / HEAD ―――――――――

➤ Body: Legacy Perky

➤ Head: LeLUTKA Ceylon Head 3.0

➤ Eyebrows: [Simple Bloom] *EvoX AVALON* Patricia SoftArch

―――――――――― DECO ――――――――――

➤ KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity:
KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Bag and Shoes white (c)
KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Brush Tray (c)
KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Bust (c)
KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Creams Tray (c)
KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Divider (c)
KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Dressing Table (c)
KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Frame and Apple (c)
KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Macarons VIP (c)
KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Mannequin Corset (c)
KOPFKINO - Miss Vanity - Mannequin Dress (c)

➤ Mutresse-Fairy Beauty Team
Mutresse-Fairy Beauty Team-2
Mutresse-Fairy Beauty Team-3
Mutresse-Fairy Beauty Team-9
Mutresse-Fairy Beauty Team-5
Mutresse-Fairy Beauty Team-11
Mutresse-Fairy Beauty Team-12
Mutresse-Fairy Beauty Team-13
Mutresse-Fairy Beauty Team-14
Mutresse-Fairy Beauty Team-16
Mutresse-Fairy Beauty Team-17


Thanks to all my Follower and my great Sponsors ❤
