Failed Dating

 Failed Dating

Credits πŸ’Ž


―――――――――― OUTFIT ――――――――――

➤ Outfit: _CandyDoll_ Chanya Dress - LoveThemAll

➤ Heeks: Phedora ~ Meela Heels @ Inithium Event

――――――――――― HAIR ――――――――――
➤ Hair: Lamb. Gloss @ C88

――――――――― BODY / HEAD ―――――――――

➤ Body: Legacy Perky

➤ Head: LeLUTKA Ceylon Head 3.0

➤ Brow: [Simple Bloom] *EvoX AVALON* MsShields Left-Symm DIAMOND

――――――――――― POSES ――――――――――

➤ Poses: DNS. POSES - DON'T TALK @ DUBAI Event 

――――――――――― DOG ――――――――――

➤ Dog: [Rezz Room] Box French Bulldog Animesh


Thanks to all my Follower and my great Sponsors ❤
