Bear Brownie

 Bear Brownie

Credits πŸ’Ž


―――――――――― OUTFIT ――――――――――

➤ Outfit: Mug - Zina Flannel @ DUBAI

➤ Boots: Mug - Muggs Thigh Boots @ DUBAI

➤ Food: KREAMY. halloween bear brownie : white @ Satan Inc

➤ Food: KREAMY. halloween meringue cookies @ Satan Inc
*get it by spending 800L in the event to unlock the first Mystery Box (Trick or Treat?) or receive them both at 1500L*

➤ Bucket: :::ChicChica::: Halloween Pumpkin bucket

➤ Hat: #LuluB! - Witch Starter Pack - Black Magic.

➤ Rings: (Yummy) Demon Queen Ring Collection V2 (Legacy) @ Collabor88

――――――――― BODY / HEAD ―――――――――

➤ Hair: tram K1008 hair @ Collabor88

➤ Body: Legacy Perky

➤ Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.1

➤ Skin face: DeeTaleZ *SKINS* for LELUTKA EVOX - Zoey - EUROPEAN 
- DeeTaleZ MU *Contour remove* for LELUTKA EVOX/ European
- DeeTaleZ MU *Freckles - Light Skin* for LELUTKA EVOX
- DeeTaleZ Skin *Zoey* for LELEVOX / BROWS: brown/ Europ

➤ Skin body: Skin DeeTaleZ *Appliers* for LEGACY BODIES - EUROPEAN 
- DeeTaleZ Skin for LEGACY BODIES/ BOOBS:Natur/ DEF - Europe


Thanks to all my Follower and my great Sponsors ❤
