Forever Mine

 Forever Mine

Credits πŸ’Ž


―――――――――― OUTFIT ――――――――――

➤ Swwater: Mossu - Charlie.Sweater - Festive Multicolor 

➤ Jeans: Blueberry - Authentic - Jeans - Sky

➤ Socks: 12. -Sorumin- Xmas Home Party SET -Elves Socks- Legacy @ The Arcade

➤ Headbend: LaGyo_Bibi Fluffy Headbend - BRIGHTS PACK @ Level Event

――――――――― BODY / HEAD ―――――――――

➤ Hair: DOUX - Belen hairstyle 

➤ [Simple bloom] *EvoX AVALON* LivAutumn SoftArch M DIAMOND

➤ Body: Legacy Perky

➤ Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.1

➤ Eyes: AG. Dreamy Eyes Gacha - Lelutka Evo - 04

➤ Skin face: DeeTaleZ *Bloggers Pack* lel EVOX Skin *Paige* @ Access

➤ Skin body: Skin DeeTaleZ *Appliers* for LEGACY BODIES - EUROPEAN 
- DeeTaleZ Skin for LEGACY BODIES/ BOOBS:Natur/ DEF - Europe

――――――――――― DECO ――――――――――

➤ Apple Fall:
- Apple Fall Heritage Christmas Tree - Flocked
- Apple Fall Clifton Cast Iron Fireplace (Black)

➤ Ariskea: @ Anthem
- Ariskea[Ribbon] Giftbox + Wrapping Station

➤  [InsurreKtion]: @ The Arcade
[IK] Chocolate Christmas 
- [IK] Chocolate Christmas - Tiered Tray
- [IK] Chocolate Christmas - Yule Cake
- [IK] Chocolate Christmas - Cocoa Bombs - Milk Choco
- [IK] Chocolate Christmas - Chocolate Gift Box
- [IK] Chocolate Christmas - Cookies Box

➤ MOVEMENT: @ Tannenbaum
MOVEMENT- Christmas stocking mood 
- MVT - Christmas stocking mood - Pink - New phone
- MVT - Christmas stocking mood - Red - Makeup
- MVT - Christmas stocking mood - Blue - Some money

➤ MOVEMENT: @ The Arcade
MOVEMENT -  Holidays mugs 
- MVT - Santa's  mug
- MVT - Ho ho ho mug

➤ DISORDERLY.: @ kustom9
- DISORDERLY. / Boarding Winter / Lighted Wall / Red

➤ dust bunny:
- dust bunny & con . tinsel living room . coffee table

➤ Nutmeg: 
- Nutmeg. Dacha Bedroom Rug

――――――――――― POSES ――――――――――



Thanks to all my Follower and my great Sponsors ❤
